Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Well my first goal to lose 5 pounds in a month is off to a bad start.. I gained .2 pounds really???? I thought I tracked everything but maybe I missed some things from this weekend since it was a pretty jammed packed. Who really knows????

Goals for the week:
-carry my tracker with me and write down everything
-drink more water
-get in AP's

here is a picture of some of the food I'm eating today plus a few extra things I took to work with me in case I get hungry.

Menu Today:
B: 8oz. 1% milk & dole fruit crisp (1 check dairy, 1 check fruit)
L: Lipton Pasta Side Chicken & Broccoli and Steam fresh Sweet Peas ( 1 check veggies)
D: not sure yet..looks like I'll around around 10 pts to play with for dinner
Snacks: grapes, yogurt (1 fruit, 1 yogurt)

daily goals:
-drink 70oz of water (at least)
-track everything!!!!!
-stay OP
-get in some AP's

Friday, July 16, 2010

Why does Cold Stone have to be so GOOD???


We went to buffalo Wild Wings which I had already planned into my menu for the day but then my mom and grandma showed up and mom went and got us all ice cream. COLD STONE!
She came back with mine the Peanut Butter Cup Perfection in a waffle bowl, like it size. I DIDN'T eat the waffle bowl they really are not that great! So I saved a few points that way but I also shared a few bites with Adam, my boyfriend. Enough about last night it just makes me upset to even think about it.


Today I'm off to an alright start. I wasn't very hungry this morning so I didn't eat anything until 9:30

My menu today: which sucks
B: clif kid chocolate brownie bar ( 2 points)
L: havent really decided somewhere out
D: WG pasta with spaghetti sauce ( 6 points )

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Why can't pizza be one of those thing you can just eat and eat without gaining a pound? I could eat pizza for all my meals everyday but I can't. Last night I had planned on eating at home but we had to go to Target and ended up going to other stores as well and eating at a local place called Richard's Pizza and Steak Sandwiches...let's just say it was great. I have never had pizza taste so AMAZING!!!!! I counted and moved on

Today is a new day! But we are going out to dinner tonight again. I feel this is the biggest problem to why I can't lose weight all the time even if I count my point. You can order something light, fat free, etc but how do you know if the food they serve you is actually that way? Most of the time you can't tell if something if fat free or taste the difference.

One of buddies (Nicole) tried this out so I figured I would try it for breakfast...Thanks to Steph too for the honey :)

B: 3 egg whites sprinkled with pumpkin spice heat in skillet until just about fully cooked. Add 1 banana and drizzle with honey. Fold one side of egg over banaa and cook until bananas are warm...and 1% milk ( 6 points)
S: Clif Bar or Apple (2 points for bar / 1 point for apple)
L: salad/fruit
D: out (probably wings) will update tomorrow on points

Hopefully today will be an OP day. Tonight we are going to an outside concert in Oxford, OH. It's where I go to school/work. Tonight it's the University's Steel Band. During the summer on Thursday night they have little bands come in and play for a few hours. This is the first one i've ever been too so we'll see how it goes. My mom is bring my grandparents as well. Hopefully it wont be to hot for them. I was looking at the weather and about the time the event starts its going to feel like 98 degrees! The only downfall I think tonight will have is you have to bring your own seats/sit on the ground. Here's to my mom remembering the chairs!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Today Starts a Whole New Experience

So I have decided that today I'm going to look at my WLJ in a different way. I'm going to go 5lbs at a time I've set my own goals (over to the side) with rewards..Who doesn't like to rewards with themselves with something new once they hit a goal? Plus I'm going to start putting my weekly weight in as well. I feel if someone else besides me knows my weight maybe i'll try harder to lose this weight since I everyone will know what it is..If that makes any sense at all.

My menu today:
B: Arnold's select with 3 slices turkey bacon and 1 slice American Cheese and 8oz 1% milk ( 8points) ( 2 checks for dairy, 1 check for whole grain, 1 check for lean protein)
S: clif bar (2 points)

salad and fruit (salad 3 points, apples 1 point, approx: vegetable soup 3 points)
D: green bean/ smoke sausage, pears (8 points) (1 check for veggies, 1 check for fruit)

Recipe Review: HoBo's........not so great

I've made these before but I couldn't find my recipe so I searched for one on and found this was a little different then my old recipe but it was still the basic concept.

What you Need:

1lb ground beef
1/2 c. green peppers, chopped
4 medium red potatoes, sliced thin
1 lg. onion sliced thin
4 carrots, peeled & cut into strips
4 slices of bacon

What to Do:
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. In large bowl combine ground beef and green peppers, mix well
3. Place each patty onto 2 layers of heavy-duty aluminum foil ( enough to cover and close). On each patty place potato slices, onion, and carrots. Slice the bacon in half and place both slices on top. Seal the foil tightly and cook.
4. Cook in oven @ 350 for 45 minutes or on a campfire

I also ended up putting a little bit of Fat Free Shredded Cheddar on my burger as well
The first reason I didn't like this recipe was the bacon just didn't seem done and the potatoes could of been cooked longer. I should of tried to check the potatoes before pulling them out but I didn't since I figured they would of been done since you slice them thin! Other than those two things I just didn't care for the was kinda blah except for the green pepper in the burgers which I found to be to much for me!

So I need to rethink this for next green peppers, maybe cook my own bacon and stick on top after they come out....potatoes check them before pulling out of oven

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 13, 2010

I did not want to get up this morning plus I didn't want to eat anything for breakfast. So I decided to just make a smoothie so I could bring it to work with me.

Menu today:
B: strawberry/banana smoothie made with 1% milk and 1 container Fiber One Strawberry Yogurt....this got in 2 of my fruit checks and 2 dairy checks.
S: clif kid Z Organic Bar Chocolate Chip ( never had one before so going to try them)
L: update this later...going out for lunch
S: popcorn
D: soup and a sandwich

Goals todays:
3. Get some Ap's in1. Stay within my points since WI is tomorrow morning
2. Get in most of my daily checks
4. (not WW) clean the apartment

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Recipe Review: Oreo Cupcakes

After spending the morning looking for recipes to revamp my menu I came across this recipe and knew I had to try them. So off to the store I I needed to go grocery shopping to restock on fruits and veggies.

Oreo Cupcakes
1 box Betty Crocker's Supermoist White Cake Mix
1- 12oz bottle cream soda (I used diet)
24 reduce fat Oreo's

Preheat oven according to cake package instructions. Place cupcake l
iners into pan & lightly spray each wrapper with non-stick cooking oil.

Take out 24 oreos & half them like you did when you were a kid. Take the side with the most icing & drop into mixing bowl & place the less-iced side
icing-up into cupcake wrappers.

Next crush oreos in your mixing bowl. I smashed mine up pretty good, you don't want any huge chunks in there. Then pour in your cream soda &
add your box of white cake mix. Stir together until thoroughly mixed.

Pop in oven & cook according to package instructions. Once cool, top with fat free or reduce fat whipped cream and ENJOY!!!!

**3 points per cupcake**

I forgot to grab some whipped topping so I enjoy then without it and they were still wonderful! The best part is you can't even tell they are "diet" made. My boyfriend even loved them and he is pretty picky sometimes and think
s he can tell when things have been altered to become better for you..

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Today is a New Day

Good Morning!

I'm back on track. Work is going by slow hint to way my previous post was super long.

Menu today:
B: Strawberry & Banana Smoothie made with 1% milk
S: fiber 1 Strawberry Yogurt
L: going to Kroger to make a Salad
S: soup
D: It's Wing Night if we don't go out Taco Burgers

Pictures to come later