Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday June 14, 2010

So the weekend went pretty well. Friday night we went out with friends to this place called Cheeseburger in Paradise they have the best mixed drinks.

I even did pretty well for dinner I think. Instead of getting monster burger with tons of stuff on it. I opted for the mini burger made with ground turkey. I ate only 2 of the 4 and the two I had I took off half the bun. I'm starting not to care for bread like I use too. I also was able to resist the all you can eat fries. If it was the old me I would have ate 3 baskets of fries!!!!

Today's plan is off to a great start. I already got in a 30 minute walk with my mom and hopefully will get a jog in tonight if it doesn't rain. The cereal I had for breakfast was amazing. I never knew I would like organic cereal but this stuff is great.


B:Cascadian Farms: Cinnamon Raisin Granola Cereal, 1% milk, fruit 2day

S: apple

L: turkey on bagel thin, baked cheetos, sugar free jello pudding

S: fiber one bar

D: grilled chicken, green beans, strawberries

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9, 2010

So for those of you who don't know me I work at the school in the ID room. So for the month of June I'll be working freshmen orientation and passing out their lovely ID's. One of the other booths at the resource fair has muffin tops YUMMY!!! But I resisted today. I lost at WI which is exciting. I've been gaining and losing the same few pounds for what seems like forever and I've finally gotten out of that. Lets hope it stays that way!

To keep myself in check I'm going to post my menu. That way we can also see how it changes as I lose weight and make it closer to goal.

B: fiber one cereal with skim milk (5 points)
L: plain cheeseburger happy meal (12 points) (mom got me this, love how she thinks about me I need to suggest having her get me a salad for the next time)
S: apple
D: soup

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8, 2010

Good Morning!

So I have been on weight watchers for a year and a half now. I never really cared so I was always losing and gaining the same weight back I had even lost 10lbs and gained it right back and some more. But something this past week hit me and now I'm finally getting myself on track and I think if I blog everyday it will help me keep myself in line.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hello World

I've tried to have other blogs before but I didn't keep up with them. Maybe this time I will. I need someplace to talk about my weight lose journey and my life. Things have been tough this past week and I'll probably see a gain this week but starting today I am kicking myself into gear. No more eating out is my first goal. I eat fast food way to much!